Countdown To Calm

Keeping Your Dog Calm Throughout the Firework Season

Course Summary

The secret to surviving the firework season with a fearful dog is to plan ahead and prepare.
This course is designed to walk you through the four weeks preceeding November 5th and to help you prepare step by step.
If you follow all the steps you will have the things you need in place to help you get through the season with as little stress as possible.

Course Curriculum


Julie Moss

Julie Moss is a Canine Behaviour Practitioner, Veterinary Physiotherapist and TTouch Practitioner at Canine Mind and Body Balance.

She has a BSc. Hons. Degree in Animal Welfare and Behaviour, an Advanced Certificate in Veterinary Physiotherapy, a Diploma in Animal Physiotherapy and is a P1 TTouch Practitioner.

Julie is a member of the TTouch Guild in the British Isles.

She has been living with dogs for 32 years and has been working with them for 17 years.

One of her proudest achievements is building the Canine Mind and Body Balance centre and the development of integrative therapy there. .

Julie specialises in identifying underlying physical causes of behaviour problems in dogs. Upwards of 80% of her behaviour cases over the last 3 years have had an underlying musculoskeletal problem causing pain or dysfunction to the dog.

She currently lives with just one dog called Jake, who is an interesting mix of Border Collie and possibly Greyhound.

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